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Featured Case Study: Globe-athon To End Women’s Cancers

end women's cancers

For the last two years, we have been working with Globe-athon to End Women’s Cancers to build awareness of gynecologic cancers worldwide. Gynecologic cancers include cervical, ovarian, uterine, vaginal and vulvar cancer.

Globe-athon is a privately funded grassroots movement of everyday people, patients, and medical professionals working together to educate the public about cancer prevention and early detection around the world.

We believe results speak louder than words.

In honor of Gynecologic Awareness Month this September; we present our latest case study for Globe-athon to End Women’s Cancers. This case study illustrates BRG’s expertise in creating full-scale consumer awareness campaigns that move people to take actions that better their overall health. We encourage you to check it out today.