
APhA Foundation:

Improving Medication Safety for Older Adults

About this Project:

To educate older adults and caregivers about using their local pharmacist as a resource in medication management, BRG worked with APhA Foundation to elevate their Align My Refills campaign. 5,000+ pharmacies participated in the three-month education campaign, which earned nearly 350 media placements and 80+ million media impressions. Additionally, we engaged select caregiver influencers to blog about the program, resulting in an additional 676K impressions.


Awareness & Education

About the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Foundation:

The American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Foundation is America’s most trusted source of research demonstrating how pharmacists can improve health care.

``One-third of patients who have regular medications miss doses because they run out before refilling their prescriptions. Med sync in convenient, gives peace of mind...you're going to have better health outcomes if you do it.``

- Senior Voice America

We are passionate about the work we do.