Insights & News

Are We Ready to Realize the Potential of Digital Health? Part 2


Building Public Trust in Digital Health Solutions

As explored in part one, as technology rapidly changes healthcare, digital literacy emerges as a social determinant of health. But lack of technical skill is not the only barrier to realizing digital health’s full potential. Embracing new technologies comes down to trust.

Public opinion polling shows that people still rate healthcare providers, including doctors and nurses, among the most trusted professions. While digital health expands the healthcare ecosystem, it also introduces new participants that people are less likely to trust, according to research.

In a 2022 Rock Health study, the rate of trust in information from digital health apps was only 28% (vs. 77% for doctors/clinicians).  Data sharing is a primary area of concern and people are also skeptical about the application of artificial intelligence in healthcare. Per Catra Healthcare, 75% of U.S. patients don’t trust artificial intelligence in a healthcare setting, and most have no idea whether their provider is already using the technology.

To inspire people to navigate the expanding realm of digital health, we need to collectively address the root causes of distrust – and there are many. Impediments to trust include poor performance or information from digital health technologies, fear of data exploitation, suspicions about profit motive, lack of training and more.  Conversely, research shows that useability, privacy, accessibility, stakeholder engagement, service provider reputation and improved communication encourage trust.

As a marketing communications agency with deep experience in health and wellness, BRG is passionate about helping raise public trust in digital health and associated technologies. BRG is proud to support the work of clients like the Digital Medicine Society, which is addressing the critical need for certification of digital health software products to help build consumer confidence.  We believe that strategic stakeholder engagement, corporate reputation building and tailored communications to resonate with specific audiences will further help overcome barriers to trust so that we all benefit from the game-changing advances in digital health.

Digital health solutions present a vital opportunity to improve health outcomes and mitigate serious challenges faced by our healthcare system. Realizing that potential requires building public confidence in digital health technologies themselves and in everyone’s ability to use them.

If you are seeking partners to advance digital health literacy or build trust in digital health solutions, contact us here.