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Building a Strong Coalition for a Public Awareness Campaign


Many health, wellness, and safety issues require widespread awareness and education, but a single organization can only reach so far. By joining forces with other brands that share the same goal, a coalition can pool resources and multiply a campaign’s overall reach. Further, a message endorsed by a diverse group of organizations carries more credibility than one single source.

A strong coalition can speak volumes about the importance of an issue. BRG has been proud to support a number of coalitions working together to spark behavior change. Consider these tips as you build a coalition for your next health communications campaign.


  • Establish Goals: Determine what the coalition wants a public awareness campaign to achieve. Coalitions and their respective voices can be powerful in educating, increasing awareness, or calling audiences to a specific action. Uniform goals will inform the prioritization of assets, activities, and resources.


  • Define Expectations: To ensure that all involved parties are on the same page, set expectations on the mission, process, and metrics of success. This could range from guidance on how and when each coalition member will promote the program, approval processes and spokesperson considerations.


  • Align on Messaging: Clear, consistent communication is crucial for any coalition. Develop a core messaging document that outlines the key issues and the coalition’s collective position. This document will serve as the foundation for all communication efforts, ensuring everyone speaks with a unified voice, even if there are different perspectives within the group.


  • Prepare Assets: The most successful public awareness campaigns include a mix of assets and appeal to different audiences. Have cobranded assets ready before publicly launching the awareness effort to maximize the campaign reach and effectiveness.


If done well, a strong coalition can transform a one-time campaign into an ongoing movement. Consider working together with other organizations and brands on your next public awareness efforts.

Learn more by contacting us here.