31 Mar Social Distancing Blues? 4 Ways Businesses Can Continue to Engage with Audiences
Social distancing and pressures to stay at home have already impacted businesses and communities nationally and globally. A recent Gallup survey shows that 72% of U.S. adults now say they are avoiding public places like stores and restaurants. And, an even larger percentage of Americans are avoiding events with large crowds (92%) and are staying away from air travel or mass transit (87%).
While this change in activity greatly limits foot traffic and in-person engagement, companies can amplify their employee, customer or member communication digitally to sustain and build relationships through this turbulent time.
Here are four ways that your business can engage with target audiences virtually:
1. Conduct Remote Media Interviews
Whether your messages are related to COVID-19 or another topic, national, local and trade media are continuing to cover news and reporters want to hear from experts.
From phone interviews to conducting taped or live, video interviews, there are a multitude of options for you to speak with media, reinforcing your messaging and expanding your reach with audiences.
2. Publish Virtual Content
While most in-person events and conferences have been cancelled, there are a number of organizations that are switching to virtual instead of cancelling their programs all together. Organizations like, the American College of Cardiology, are leading the charge to take programs virtual in order to continue collaboration amongst industry members and release pivotal research.
Additionally, other businesses have started publishing tutorials and interactive experiences to keep their audiences engaged. Locally, we’ve seen The Little Gym of Frederik offer interactive field trips to sustain relationships with their customers. Globally, major museums like the Louvre are allowing you to virtually explore with the help of Google Arts and Culture and other digital influencers are offering cooking tutorials, fitness classes and more all online.
Review your company mission and messaging, and determine if it makes sense for your company to host a digital panel of industry leaders, offer an interactive activity or produce an online tutorial to engage your current following and tap into new customers or members.
3. Get Socially Savvy
Even if you’re currently active on social media, there is an opportunity for you to amplify your efforts.
Regroup with your team to determine if your company should increase or decrease the number of posts you publish, launch a new channel like TikTok, use Facebook Live or IGTV, or promote your virtual event on LinkedIn for free.
Social media channels are endless and offer creative engagement opportunities for digital interactions.
4. Support Your Community
Another way to engage audiences is to consider how you can give back to the community or communities where your employees and customers reside.
While larger companies like Apple have pledged to donate 10 million face masks for healthcare workers, there are others looking to make a more local impact, such as Jose Andres, who cooked a meal for Washington, DC firefighters after they couldn’t access food for their evening meal.
No matter the give, this can be an authentic way for you to amplify your messaging for a beneficial audience connection.
Are you looking for ways to amplify your employee and audience communication? We’re here to help!