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How Brands Can Maximize Facebook’s Updated Newsfeed Controls

Updated Newsfeed Controls

Last week Facebook announced updated newsfeed controls that enable individuals to take little more control over their newsfeeds. Now, using Facebook on mobile, people can prioritize friends and pages they want to see at the top of their newsfeed. The triumph of triumphs for marketers! Fans have the potential to see organic content again.

How it works

To ensure you personally see content from the people and pages that most interest you, tap more on the lower right of your screen and select news feed preferences. You will see a new setting: “Prioritize who you see first.” From there, you can select friends and pages you’d like to see first on Facebook, as well as those you would like to unfollow or hide.

Tips for communicators

Evaluate post volume. Over the last year, many marketers have prioritized volume over quality to increase the chances that fans organically see content. With the new “see first” prioritization functionality fans have the opportunity to see every single piece of content before their live newsfeed. Though Facebook does truncate some of the content, a fan might see multiple posts from a single brand before they are able to view their newsfeed. If you’re posting too often, you may annoy some fans. Those annoyed fans can then opt-out of seeing your content with two clicks.

Facebook Newsfeed

Make sure your content has been delivering value post after post. If not, now is the time to revise your content strategy. Your “see first” fans will finally see all your posts. You don’t want to lose them due to lackluster content now that you have their undivided attention.

Tell your fans. Chances are your fans don’t know that they can opt-in to see your content at the top of their feed. Sponsor a post to reach as many fans as possible, and ask them to place your brand in their “see first” channel so they never miss a beat.

What do you think about Facebook’s new prioritization features? Tell us in the comments!

Image Credit: Twin Design/