Insights & News

Level Up Your Call To Action: Try This [Communications Tip]

As we reflect on our experience at Social Media Marketing World hosted by Social Media Examiner, we are sharing 10 takeaways from the conference over ten days. This is the last post in the series.

Takeaway 10: Go beyond the call to action. Encourage conformity… in the right places

The idea of encouraging people to take action based the actions of their peers was a theme throughout the conference. One example that came up a few times was how to encourage people to sign up for additional content via a website or newsletter.

Quick tips:

  • Don’t ask people to opt-in or subscribe. Ask them to register. Registration feels more elite.
  • Provide your most valuable content behind a curtain, requiring a subscription.
  • Try the following formula for newsletter subscriptions, specifically: “Join the (#) other people who get (XYZ) every (time period).

Call to action

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  • Read all ten takeaways from Social Media Marketing World: Click here