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Why Local Market Events (Still) Help Create Change

HRS Arrest The Risk BRG CommunicationsLast week The Heart Rhythm Society and the Association of Black Cardiologists held an educational event at a local community center in Chicago to inform African Americans about their increased risk for sudden cardiac arrest. Sudden cardiac arrest is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Though 95% of the people who experience SCSA die as a result, preventative measures can help Arrest the Risk.

During the event, at-risk patient Tamera Hill-Garner shared her story about losing her 26-year old sister to heart issues. She spoke to the impact the loss of her sister had on her, and other members of her family on their proactive heart health journeys. Tamera’s family and friends were present to listen to her story and provide support. It was a very touching and heartfelt moment. Importantly, many people learned about the importance of taking preventative steps before sudden cardiac arrest occurs.

At BRG, we strongly believe in the power of education in creating meaningful discussion, action, and ultimately change. Local market events like this demonstrate the importance of family, community support, and awareness can never be underestimated. Change often happens one person at a time, one family at a time, and one community at a time.